Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blurry Awesomeness

I was going through some of my photos that i took few weeks ago and i didn't get a chance to look at.
This one particular one was taken in Seattle from Dr Jose Rizal bridge. I was in a rush going home and trying to catch the sunset. Problem was i had a $39.99 tripod that was feeling every breeze. On top of that the traffic on the bridge was causing it to shake.   So here is a blurry photo i wish i could go back to retake but who knows when a sunset like that will come again.. Maybe next year.

Since then i upgraded my tripod to Manfrotto Mk294. A very nice tripod. I can't wait to test it out.

6.0 sec at f/22 ISO 100

One other thing i learned recently is that, if you are using a tripod, it's good to turn off the IS if your lens has this feature. It could also be one of the cause of blurriness.

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