Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Heart Faces & Talk Photography

Last week and this week, and i know it's early, i found 2 interesting Blogs/Sites that have lot's of helpful entries for all photographers from beginner to advanced.

The one entry i wanted to share in specific is 2 important questions to ask when editing photos. I think this article written by Brook Snow well written and very valuable for anyone to read.

Brook's 2 Editing questions are

  1. Where am I supposed to look?
  2.  What am I supposed to feel?

What do you ask yourself when you edit your photos?

Also i find myself reading a lot of the articles on photography talk. There are some that are quite funny like 41 reasons to date a photographer or 41 reasons not to date a photographer.

I have also discovered 2 books i need to get .
  1. 500 Poses for Photographing Women
  2. Posing Techniques for Photographing Model Portfolios 

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