Thursday, February 13, 2014

Learn how to photograph cars

A photographer friend of mine wanted to take photos of an Audi R8. I got on the horn and talked to my car buddies to see if they knew people that had an R8 that we can photograph.  I was put in contact with a group of R8 drivers not only that but guys who drive cars more expensive than everything that i own including my life savings.  So now let's see how this is going to pan out. The shoot i scheduled to be at DirtFish in WA. On Sat 22nd from 11 to about 4pm. Side note, if you have ever wanted to rally a car.. this is the place to go. They have classes from 2 hours to 3 days. I recommend somewhere in the middle.

DirtFish Rally School
7001 396th Drive SE
Snoqualmie, WA  98065
Office hours: M - F, 9am - 5pm PT

Anyway, back to the photo shoot. The problem is, i have not shot cars before, given my 1 year experience in the field and neither did my buddy since he was never into this kind of photography. So how are we going to do this and what will come out of it, you will have to wait and see. But for now here are some links on how to photograph cars.

Stuart Tree from WEARESOPHOTO has some great tutorials on how to shoot cars Here is a fantastic one.
How to Paint with light from

Here are some of TIPS from multiple sources
  1. Don't shoot from chest or eye height (get low or up high maybe add tilt)
  2. Always shoot the side best illuminated.
  3. Detail shots at Wide aperture , wide open
  4. Change angles close ups on details
  5. Interior
  6. Don't shoot in a parking lot
  7. use a tripod
  8. Try Long Exposures 
  9. Beware of glare, Use Circular Polarizer Filter if necessary
  10. Remove Distractions in the background and foreground
  11. Post Production  - Future Blog Entry for next week.
For now just enjoy some of the youtube tutorials and how to videos.
Good luck and share you shots here so i can see them.

How to Photograph a $380,000 Car with $60,000 in Lighting Gear

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