Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rolling shots for everyone

Last week i got a few guys together after work to get in a little practice with the the rig and the camera. I had some great shots and some not so good shots. I learned that i need to stabilize the rig. Right now it's bouncing up and down because of the weight of the camera. I'm currently looking into setting up a stabilizing cable. 

Also one of my friends was suggestion i separate my automotive photography from my general photography page because some people will get bored seeing so many car photos. So with his help PROJECT 62 was born. Currently in the process of designing a logo/watermark to brand the photos.... that's it for now.

Oh, if anyone wants rolling shot feel free to contact me. Because this takes so much time to set up, gas to go on location and time to edit the photos, I'm charging a small fee of $40 per car if you are in the Seattle area.
(Kent, Renton, Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah....)

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