Friday, November 21, 2014

Studio Portraits & Retouching

Here are 2 videos that will help me and beginners get better portraits.

How to light and the 5 different types of lighting for portraits

How to edit and touch up portraits

I know i have used the retouch video for one of my photos and it does an amazing job.
Try it and leave your comments below, or if you have better tutorials. Feel free to send them to me.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Latest Automotive Work.

You can find high resolution of all these photos on my Flickr
Feel free to share with those who might enjoy.

I use a DIY rig that I put together with the following parts.

I used the
2 Avenger F1000 Pump Cup with Baby Swivel Pin
2 10 ft pipes from Home Depot.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Etsy Store

Recently I have been talking to local hobbyist photographers about displaying their art and selling channels that are available to artists. The problem now days is, the market is saturated with amazing photographers. They are all competing for a decreasing number of buyers out there over 100s of channels each being flooded with great photographs.

The list goes on.

One factor that plays into the low number of buyers out there is the affordability of digital cameras. Now days there is an increasing number of DSLRs in the average home. Yes most of them are entry level with kit lenses gathering dust. However it gives too many folks the false impression that they could easily get out there and take amazing shots like some professional photographers making them less inclined to purchase photographs available on the web.

The other factor affecting everyone, is the vast numbers of amazing photographers out there fighting in the same space. This is one of the outcome of the first factor. Affordable cameras, yields more people trying their hand at this craft and some of them being very talented and determined.

The moral of the story is: there are lots of ways to get photographs out for people to see, the problem is there are very many great photographers out there, so unless you have something special to show, it will be very hard to get anywhere.

That being said, there some really crappy photographers out there that manage to sell their craft and to get published. That being said, don't give up, don't let yourself be intimidated by the amazing photographers out there and give it your best shot.

I wont be giving up, I even set up and Etsy store:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Columbia Tower in Seattle

On Sunday after spending all morning working on automotive rolling shots I decided to go to catch the sunset at the Columbia Tower Sky View Observatory. I have been in Seattle for 16 years and I have never been up to the observation deck. I think this is a must see place for anyone visiting Seattle. Don't forget, bring your fancy camera with you.

If you do bring your other fancy camera, AKA not your iPhone make sure you get one of these wide angle lenses with you to capture the true beauty from up there. I used my trusted Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 Digital Zoom Lens  Now if you do this at night, you will get glare because you have to shoot thought the glass and there are lots of lights on in the building. My recommendation to you is, press the lens against the glass and that is a last resort or in my case (Cheap/Lazy Man's solution). If you are not like me and you love DIY's, here is a great article from F Stoppers shoot through glass without reflections. Check out that article and you will find some great resources.