Monday, February 1, 2016

As a photographer sometimes you have the need to for the clients to preview and select which images they like and have them edited for them. Before this discovery, i used to put the photos on or and send the link to the customer and i would tell them to email my the file names of the photos they chose.

Now i have found a much easier way of doing this. offers you the ability to upload the photos to a collection. Share the collection with your client, and they can select their favorites right that and save them with just their email address. No no need to writhe them down, or copy and paste them to an email. That makes it so much easier for your client.

There is also an advantage for you. It's not big but it helps save time. The website allows you to copy the list of file names and you can just paste it into Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6 and have all the selected photos right there all selected for you. I know it saves me quite a few minutes of looking thought my LightRoom for that file name and them moving it to a selected folder before editing the photos.

I'm sharing this with you guys because it had been a life saver for me. I'm sure there are quite a few of you out there like me. A hobbit photographer that doesn't make a lot of money off photography and would like to some professional tools without braking a bank.  I only have the free version but it's been great so far. Two thing I wish i could do that would make this more awesome, one is to have private galleries where you can just share via email with a select people and two, is to build my website around this.

If anyone of you are wondering, no I'm not getting paid by pixieset to make this post.
Check out my PixieSet :

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