Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nikon D7100

When you research a camera or when you get your new camera, you have to go all over the place to find out all sorts of information. I will try here to gather some important things about the Nikon D7100 from different sources.

First video i found useful was by FroKnowsPhoto's Jared Polin. It's lengthy but it reviews the camera in situations that you and I would use it.

This is Matt Grangers quick set video. This will help you understand features and placement of buttons and also a great video to visit when you get your camera and you are trying to play with it.

For me the Nikon menu is a PITA to use. So this video does a great job explaining what the options are and what they do.

This was helpful for me coming from a Canon to Nikon. Going from Canon's 9 Focus Point system to the 51 point focus system that Nikon provides. It's a big difference. This video does a great job explaining this.

Cool Little tips and trick on your D7100.

Stay tuned. More information will be added to the collection.

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